Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Wish you a Marry Christmas! May the World see Peace and Happiness all through the "New-Year-2007" around! BEST OF FUTURE!!
May Lord Jesus bless you always!!!
A question
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Today while talking in fornt of IIT alumni meet, Dr. Abdul Kalam put forward a point. 2 crore children are born in India each year. Out of these, only 0.1% people get proper technical education (like us). And out of these 0.01%, almost all people tend to go for some good S/W job abroad, earning handsome amount of money. Very few people think about teaching next generation and making them responsible citizen for tomorrow.
For making India a super power in 2020, it is very necessary for talented students to come into teaching field..
Whats your say people? What do you think about this?
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Wrong E-mail
Friday, November 10, 2006
A man checked into a hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally typed a wrong e-mail address, and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
Meanwhile....Somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting condolence messages from relatives and friends.
After reading the first message, she fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:
To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Reached
Date: 10 nov 2006
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here, and we are allowed to send e-mails to loved ones. I've just reached and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing you TOMORROW!
Your loving Hubby
This post is related to Some Lighter Moments
Down Time again
As you can see from above graph, there have always been ups and downs in my frrquency of posting on my blog.
And currently, one such down time going on.. Will be back soon..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Sunday, November 05, 2006
It rained heavily in Latur today. The rain appeared after a long gap. And it gave a soothing feeling.
Well, I managed to get this snap from our college.

This post is related to Photos
How S/W industry works..
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised my friend I Would meet him half an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man below says, "Yes. You are in a hot air balloon, Hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees north latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees West Longitude."
"You must be a programmer" says the balloonist. "I am" replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is Technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your Information and the fact is I am still lost."
The man below says, "You must be a project manager." "Yes, I am" replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?"
"Well" says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where You are going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to Keep, and you expect me to solve your problem."
This post is related to Some Lighter Moments
King Khan's Birthday
In our college, we celebrated Shahrukh khan's B'day. Surprised? Well, we really did. Actually Shafi is big fan of SRK and he celebrates SRK's b'day every year. So this year, we just wanted to do something different. So we brought chocolate cake and sweets. We cut the cake and distributed sweets in the college. And obviously, lot of photographs. Here, I'm sharing few of these snaps.

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Tree as we call it
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
This is just a tree for the world. But it somewhere touched my heart. The dry tree which has a beehouse hung to it symbolising a big break somewhere in the life.. Having few leaves of few good memories. But at the ent of every branch, there are flowers symbolising happy ending of each life story.. Don't know why but I felt as if it symbolises feelings of the painter.. and mine too..
Btw, this was created by Shafi, peon in my college who has recently started learning computers..
This post is related to Photos
Let's talk about SEX
Sunday, October 29, 2006
This might appear hurting or uncomfortable to few people. I oppologise to these people.
Its about time we started talking about sex in India. Honestly, the way people approach the subject of sex in India, even on the blogs which we can safely assume to be a more educated liberated sample, is full with coyness and guilt. It is no secret that to outsiders, especially Westerners, Indians appear sexually repressed. We do not talk about it openly without guilt or shame, and the resulting shyness and misplaced humour that it evokes makes it obvious that we do not accept sex as a normal human need that should be fulfilled irrespective of marital status.
We never get taught sex education in school. I remember one incidence when one of my class mates had asked the teacher how a baby is born. And he had got a heavy punishment. It was just a curiosity question. But looking at that punishment, none of us dared to ask anything to the teacher, later in complete school life.While Indians may have had a sexually open culture in the times of Khajuraho, it appears to me that the prudishness of Victorian England seems to have given us a splitting colonial hangover. It is almost like we in India think, "Oh my god, Its so uncomfortable to talk with them on these things. What will the society say if they come to know we talk about this?" Well, the harsh truth is, the kids are going to grow up and have sex anyway, and if they have not been taught the importance of contraception they are a less likely to use any, and then they are going to get pregnant. And then, they are going to feel so afraid of society’s reaction that they are going to go to a dingy little abortion clinic and have their reproductive organs messed up beyond repair by some ill-equipped and unsanitary quack.
When it comes to sex, adolescents have always had a lot of questions. And when that happens, parents don't always have the answers.
Until maybe a decade ago, parents almost always relied on their kids finding out about sex either through their peers or by accident. Today, they can count on the Internet as an ally. There are sex education portals, counsellors and help with related issues just a click away. Message boards, chat rooms, youth forums and help lines prove that youth today are discussing everything from pre-marital sex to physical problems. However, people are still not enough open for discussion when it comes to face to face conversation.
These days, leading newspapers like Times Of India are taking lead in awareness towards the issue of sex. However, It’s going to take a lot to change Indian attitudes about sex. America was puritanical, and changed its attitudes only because of the reasearch of people like Masters and Johnson, Kinsey and Nancy Friday. They showed the West that everybody has a sex life (active or otherwise), and that everybody was normal. I look forward to the day that this belief is shared widely in India.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Five Point Someone
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Just completed reading this book. The author himself has cleared what is this book about. Its not about how to behave in IITs. Its rather about how not to behave in IITs. It clearly revolves around one thing. How messed up things can get if you don't think straight.
Well, I found the story lot similar to my own life. I wasted my first year in just enjoyment. Similar to Alok, Ryan and Hari in the book. Only thing is I started thinking straight at later stage and so I managed to get the things straight in further life. If only I would have read the book at start of my engineering college.
When I look to myself, I find myself as a mixture of all the three characters in the story. I was always unattractive like Hari, I was emotionally not so close to my parents like Ryan and still, I never managed to enjoy much in childhood like Alok. Only difference between them and me is I never tasted Vodka :D
Anyways, I am fan of Chetan Bhagat's writing style ever since I read One night at Call centre. His writing style and words are just so simple and clear. Yet he manages to increase your curiosity with every passing line. You will be just stuck up with the book until you finish reading whole book. And though there is not much philosophy to be told out of these books, you just get the basic motive of the book, which matters the most.
Anyways, at the end of the entry, all I want to say is do read the book if you haven't before. You will be thanking me for the suggestion later.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Monday, October 23, 2006
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
My Personality Test
Sunday, October 22, 2006
![]() You are nurturing, kind, and lucky. Like mother nature, you want to help everyone. You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive. A seeker of harmony, you are a natural eacemaker. You are good natured and people enjoy your company. You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you. |
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
After that very busy 1 month, I got Diwali holidays. And I'm enjoying it. I got new speakers. So these days, I'm just listening to my favourite gazals.
Its Diwali time. So lots and lots of sweets.
Recently got new DVD writer and also a 1 GB USB drive. So data transfer is on the high end.
Nothing much to share at present. But stay tuned for more updates.
And btw, don't forget to give your comments regarding the snap.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
I thought you'd love this
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I just found out that Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are contributing their technology to a new website called GoodTree that gives money to charity when you use it.
It's invitation only. I thought you'd love it
Accept Invitation
Are You A Safe Cyber Surfer?
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your computer, your information and your peace of mind from computer creeps who try to slow down a network operation, or worse yet, steal personal information to commit a crime. Here are some tips to help you, from the Mumbai Police
Make sure your passwords have both letters and numbers, and are at least eight characters long. Avoid common words: some hackers use programs that can try every word in the dictionary. Don’t use your personal information, your login name or adjacent keys on the keyboard as passwords-and don’t share your passwords online or over the phone.
Protect yourself from viruses by installing anti-virus software and updating it regularly. You can download anti-virus software from the Web sites of software companies, or buy it in retail stores; the best recognize old and new viruses and update automatically.
Prevent unauthorized access to your computer through firewall software or hardware, especially if you are a high-speed user. A properly configured firewall makes it tougher for hackers to locate your computer. Firewalls are also designed to prevent hackers from getting into your programs and files. Some recently released operating system software and some hardware devices come with a built-in firewall. Some firewalls block outgoing information as well as incoming files. That stops hackers from planting programs called spyware-that cause your computer to send out your personal information without your approval.
Don’t open a file attached to an e-mail unless you are expecting it or know what it contains. If you send an attachment, type a message explaining what it is. Never forward any e-mail warning about a new virus. It may be a hoax and could be used to spread a virus.
When something bad happens-you think you’ve been hacked or infected by a virus-
e-mail a report of the incident to your Internet provider and the hacker’s Internet provider, if you can tell what it is, as well as your software vendor.
This post is related to News and Informative, technology
Science Flaws
Friday, October 13, 2006
Q: Light slows as it passes through water or glass, causing it to bend, but how can it return to light-speed on its own once it exits?
A: This is impossible in today's science. No object in nature can speed up of its own accord after being slowed. A bullet doesn't spontaneously speed up after it is slowed by passing through a wooden block, so how does a photon of light mysteriously return to its original speed once it exits a glass block? Also, continuously shining a light beam through a glass block will heat it, creating the further mystery that the beam actually loses energy as it passes through the glass, yet still manages to accelerate to its original speed upon exit. Today's science cannot explain this mysterious everyday occurrence.
Here is another related mystery:
Bounce a light-beam between two parallel mirrors at a slight angle so that the beam bounces along the mirrors in a zig-zag pattern. How many bounces will it take before the light beam loses energy and slows down appreciably? 1000 bounces? 10,000? Of course, we know that the light beam will never slow down no matter how many times it bounces back and forth, despite the well-established fact that light imparts a small momentum punch when it bounces off objects (the principle behind solar sails). So, how does a single beam of light impart countless momentum punches as it zig-zags between the mirrors, yet still manage to emerge afterward at the same unchanging speed of light? According to today's science this is an impossible energy-for-free event.
Any explanations???
This post is related to technology, Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Security Trials
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
After recent bomb blasts, it was said that banks can be an easy target for the terrorists. So I decided to take a trial of security at few banks.
I first visited Bank of India. I kept my leather bag at one of the benches and stood aside in some queue. Within 2 minutes, the security guard came to me asking me to hold the bag in hands.
Then SBI. Same trick. I thought no one will notice me in such a crowd. But again, there was a common man who noticed me and came to me asking about the bag in no time. Later I realised that he was not a common man but a police constable in civil uniform, specially assigned the duty of security at the banks.
Then ICICI. Well, the bank is always famous for use of latest technology. As soon as I left the bag at the bench and tried to move aside, a bank person came to me and said me calmly that I am being watched by the camera. Poor me...
So by these experiences, I am assured of my security atleast at the banks. But I will advise you to keep taking trials much often. Specially at the crowded places like bus stop, railway stations etc. which form an easy target for the anti-national elements.
After all, Citizen Brigade can best fight the terrorism.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Mobile Library
You all must have heard the term mobile library. But if a library uses stretcher to be mobile, then its something funny. Well, its just the vicinity of medical college and ease in using the stretcher that motivated us towards this idea. :D
This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
First Salary
Monday, October 09, 2006
Today, I got my first salary. Rs. 3333/-. ie the salary for 20 days. I could withdraw only 3000/- of this. But I bought gifts for mom, dad, didi. jiju, gudiya, satish mama, friends.. and still, 1000 bucks remaining which I'll be using for myself..
I got jwellery for mom and didi. Got toys for gudiya. Mobile holder, pen and photo frame for jiju. Photo frame for dad. Mobile holder for Satish mama. Everyone was happy except didi and jiju. Cause they haven't got the gifts yet. They will get the surprise package after 2 days. They don't read my blog so I can mention about the surprise here :)
Well, its really exciting when you get your first salary. First day in school, first love, first kiss and first salary.. Everything has its own importance in life. Of course first marriage too. But the excitement of first marriage vanishes as soon as you see another beautiful girl. Well, that's a different matter.
So coming back to the point, I'm excited about my first salary and today I am very very happy. Hope my enthusiasm towards the work remains the same throughout my work period.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Gandhigiri Practicals
Sunday, October 08, 2006
After watching "Lage Raho", everyone must be in full enthusiasm to have some practicals on Gandhigiri.. But what exactly to do in practicals is a big question. "Information Act 2005" is the answer. Few examples of practical on Gandhigiri are provided at this link. Check out
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Can't come up with any title. Have nothing much to share. But still want to write something.
Life is too busy as a lecturer. So don't get much time to think about anything.. Now you only tell what should I do?
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Love and Madness
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
"Madness" was one of the qualities and he shouted: "I want to count, I want to count!" And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek "Madness", all the other qualities agreed. So "Madness" leaned against a tree and started to count: "One, two, three..." As "Madness" counted, the qualities went hiding.
"Treason" hid in a pile of garbage.. "Lie " said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake.
And Madness continued to count "... seventy nine, eighty, eighty one..."
By this time, all the qualities were already hidden-except "Love ". For stupid as "Love " is, he could not decide where to hide. And! this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it is to hide "Love".
"Madness": "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven..."
Just when "Madness" got to one hundred........."Love" jumped into a rose bush where he hide.
And Madness turned around and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
As Madness turned around, "Laziness" was the first to be found, because "Laziness" was too lazy to hide. "Madness" searched madly and found "Lie" at the bottom of the lake. One by one, Madness found them all - except Love. Madness was getting desperate, unable to find Love.
Envious of Love, "Envy" whispered to "Madness ": "You only need to find Love, and Love is hiding in the rose bush."
"Madness" Jumped on the rose bush and he heard loud cry. The thorns in the bush had pierced "Loves" eyes.
Hearing the commotion God came into the room and saw what had happened. He got very angry and cursed "Madness" and said since "Love" has become blind because of u... ..u shall always be with him"
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
My Name Plate
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Now that I am a lecturer, I need to have a name plate on my table in the staff room. So here are snaps of the same.
This post is related to Photos
The dude
Friday, September 29, 2006
This post is related to Photos
Blogging from out of earth
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Check out this..
This is first blog written from outside the earth. Its written by Anousheh Ansari, first woman space traveller..
This post is related to News and Informative
Job. Job.. Job... !!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
It had been 4 days since i joined the college as a lecturer. And during these 4 days, i met 3 types of students.
On my first day, when i took my first class, I realised that the students are too mischievous and they don't want to study at all. I was regretting my own decision to do something for these students..
Then, after lecture, few students came to me and asked me to be little strict so that these students can atleast listen. They were unable to learn due to few mischievous students.
Then one guy, whom i hadn't allowed to enter as he was late, came to me to say sorry. I realised that this guy works from 2 AM - 7:30 AM and then comes to college. There are few more students who need to work for learning.
Then i decided to do something for those students. I started being strict. Mischieves were immidiately thrown out of the class, late comers and class disturbers were not allowed. Many times late comers have genuine problem but rules have to be same for all. Anyways, i repeat everything when the latecomers come in staff room asking for the part.
Main problem with the education system here is teachers are not interested in extra work. They just talk a little, dictate notes and consider their job is over. They are never willing to solve doubts. I made a change here. I started solving even silliest doubts of them. And once 2-3 students' doubts were solved, more students started approaching me with doubts..
The students are also not much interested in asking doubts. Rather they are too afraid to ask it in class. So many times they come to staff room to ask me doubts. Staff room or class room, important thing is they should ask each and every doubt. And after second day, situation was like they started asking me even doubts in other subjects. And i never said no..
Now I'm sure that my decision was correct and I have to work harder for the same. And btw, I'm also popular amongst my superiors. My princi and director is very happy with my performance. So its too good feeling.
Only thing is i miss my old days. Every small thing here reminds me of my days in MNT. I just want to leave those 3 years again... If only it would have been possible..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
My new job
Monday, September 11, 2006
Today was first day of my job. Yup. I joined MIT College of computer science and studies, Latur as a lecturer.
My decision must have raised few eyebrows. But i would just like to
put up few facts. All of the computer engineers opt for a S/W job. If they don't get, they go for lecturer in engg college. As a result of this, we rarely get good teachers in our branches. So when we look at the BCA/BCS colleges, there is rarely a good techer opting for these colleges. I don't say I'm too good or like that. But i considered something must be done for betterment of these colleges. I'm frst BE lecturer in this college.
This is the case with an institution run by MIT.. so just imagine what is the scene at other institutes..
Anyways, now I've joined the institute and I need to give best of my
efforts for the betterment of it. Will be needing good wishes of all
of you.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Ganesh Visarjan
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Ever thought why does Maharashtra face flood situation even with small rain? Ever thought why does water level rise with so small rainfall? Ever thought what happens to crores of Ganesh idols emerged in water every year?
Well, think now. One small idol measuring 1*1 feet is made of around 1kg sand (Shadu). When all these idols are emerged in water, lakhs of kgs of sand gets added to water which deposits at the base of water. Provided the idol fragments completely. Plus the oil paint causes the water pollution, but that's a different matter.
This lakhs of kgs of sand is responsible for a vast change in water level, and it generates the flood.
So what's the solution? I tried this year to emerge the idol in a tub at home. Yes, it hurt the emotions of my parents upto a level. But then they too agreed ki this is better option that causing the floods that take hundreds of lives and crores of rupees every year.
Btw, it had been more than 24 hours now and the idol hasn't fragmented even 2%. So think how much time it takes for these idols to get back to sand. And during all this time, the water animals have to suffer for it.
This may sound hurting for few people. But then we have to accept what is in favor of the state and people and agriculture of state. Think about it. Your valuable comments are most welcome.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
If you have
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
If you have work to do, do it now.
Today the skies are clear and blue.
Tomorrow clouds may come in view.
Yesterday is not for you, do it now.
If you have a song to sing, sing it now.
Let the notes of gladness ring
clear as song of bird in spring.
Let everyday bring some music, sing it now.
If you have kind words to say, say them now.
Tomorrow may not come your way.
Loved ones will not always stay,
say them now.
If you have a smile to show, show it now.
Make the friends happy.
Let the friends around you
know the love you have before they go,
show it now.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Lunar Eclipse
A partial Eclipse of the moon will occur on September 7 and will be visible from all parts of India but only from a few places in Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe, including the British Isles.
In the past, people used to observe all traditional things on the eclipse, such as Bhajans and not touching any furniture, taking bath after the eclipse and donations. They used to believe that the eclipses happen Rahu and Ketu. Even my family used to observe part of these things.
Now the science has proved that the eclipses are nothing but the astronomical events and they are no way caused due to Rahu and Ketu. So the people's behavior towards the eclipses has changed. Now people have started looking at it in scientific way.
In India, the eclipse will start at 11:35 PM and will last till 1:05 AM. I just can't wait to see the eclipse.
What is lunar eclipse?
Eclipses in 2006
Nasa's Eclipse page
This post is related to News and Informative
Why was Gandhiji never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
This 300th post of mine is dedicated to Greatest Personality in Indian Freedom movement.
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) has become the strongest symbol of non-violence in the 20th century. It is widely held in retrospect that the Indian national leader should have been the very man to be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was nominated several times, but was never awarded the prize. Why?
These questions have been asked frequently: Was the horizon of the Norwegian Nobel Committee too narrow? Were the committee members unable to appreciate the struggle for freedom among non-European peoples?" Or were the Norwegian committee members perhaps afraid to make a prize award which might be detrimental to the relationship between their own country and Great Britain?
Gandhi was nominated in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947 and, finally, a few days before he was murdered in January 1948. The omission has been publicly regretted by later members of the Nobel Committee; when the Dalai Lama was awarded the Peace Prize in 1989, the chairman of the committee said that this was "in part a tribute to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi". However, the committee has never commented on the speculations as to why Gandhi was not awarded the prize, and until recently the sources which might shed some light on the matter were unavailable.
Why Was Gandhi Never Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Up to 1960, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded almost exclusively to Europeans and Americans. In retrospect, the horizon of the Norwegian Nobel Committee may seem too narrow. Gandhi was very different from earlier Laureates. He was no real politician or proponent of international law, not primarily a humanitarian relief worker and not an organiser of international peace congresses. He would have belonged to a new breed of Laureates.
There is no hint in the archives that the Norwegian Nobel Committee ever took into consideration the possibility of an adverse British reaction to an award to Gandhi. Thus it seems that the hypothesis that the Committee's omission of Gandhi was due to its members' not wanting to provoke British authorities, may be rejected.
In 1947 the conflict between India and Pakistan and Gandhi's prayer-meeting statement, which made people wonder whether he was about to abandon his consistent pacifism, seem to have been the primary reasons why he was not selected by the committee's majority. Unlike the situation today, there was no tradition for the Norwegian Nobel Committee to try to use the Peace Prize as a stimulus for peaceful settlement of regional conflicts.
During the last months of his life, Gandhi worked hard to end the violence between Hindus and Muslims which followed the partition of India. We know little about the Norwegian Nobel Committee's discussions on Gandhi's candidature in 1948 other than the above quoted entry of November 18 in Gunnar Jahn's diary but it seems clear that they seriously considered a posthumous award. When the committee, for formal reasons, ended up not making such an award, they decided to reserve the prize, and then, one year later, not to spend the prize money for 1948 at all. What many thought should have been Mahatma Gandhi's place on the list of Laureates was silently but respectfully left open.
This post is related to News and Informative
My two temptations
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I always had temptation towards two things. Height and fire.
Whenever I go to heights, I feel like jumping down. And Whenever I see fire, I feel like touching it, experiencing it. Treks helped me to overcome the first temptation but I still see dreams where I jump from high buildings and hills.
And the second temptation, I fulfilled partially today. I was making tea on gas. Looking at the flame of the stove, I was being tempted. So finally I put my hands in the flame for a second or two. However, the small time was sufficient to bring me back to the present. :D
But in the attempt, my three fingers have burnt a little. As a result of which, I am unable to type fast today.. Hehaha
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Did you watch "Lage Raho Munnabhai"? No? Then go and watch now. This is a movie you can't afford to miss.
The Munna - Circuit pair is creating the magic again. But this time, through Satya and Ahimsa. In a time when people have started forgetting Gandhiji and his teaching, Rajkumar Hirani has made a great move by bringing back the thoughts. And that too in a style.
The movie is perfect combination of comedy, emotions and the thoughts. It makes you laugh whole time and then makes you think about it after you come out of theatre. The director has given equal importance to usual munnabhai and Gandhiji. This has been done without disturbing Gandhiji's image anywhere in the course of the movie.
The pension scene was the best one. The Diya's marriage scene when Circuit and Munna bhai deal with Batuk Maharaj was second best of the movie. Yet another was when Sanjay Dutt hits back the watchman saying "Jab dono galon pe mar mile to kya karna ye to Gandhiji ne nahi bataya.."
Boman Irani has given yet another fantastic performance in Lucky Singh's character. The snaps he takes with celebrities is absolute fun. Arshad Warsi was too good in managing the virtual Bapu.
Dilip Prabhavalkar has been so good in his make-up and acting that you won't recognize him until and unless you know this in well advance. My friends who read his name in the start were searching for him until the end of the movie. Abhishek Bacchan and Diya Mirza added the remaining flavour.
Few dialogues by Bapu are surely worth following. Such as "चाटा मारना आसान है, माफ़ी मांगना नही, ये कायरोंका काम नही है" and "अगर इन्सान की पहचान करनी है तो ये देखो की वो अपनेसे निचेवालोंसे किस तरह से बात करता है"..
You still reading this? Stop reading and watch the movie. Else you will regret not watching it.. :D
Read what Rushal has to say about the movie, here.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Teachers' Day Special
First of all, my salute to Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, in honour of whom Teachers' Day is celebrated every year.
When I think of teachers in my life, I firstly remember my primary teacher Mrs. Suryawanshi who taught us first lessons of our life. Then I remember lot of teachers in my schooling, junior college and engg. days. But other than these all teachers, I remember two most important teachers of my life.
MIT NCC TROOP which provided me first confidence about myself. And also taught me working in team, appreciating and anticipating, accepting defeat but again trying for victory with double josh, management skills, following friendship rules and what not.. Due to overflow of emotions, I'm running out of words.. So kindly forgive..
Second best teacher I can think of is Mamu Sahyadri. I call it as Mamu cause it has always loved me. Whatever may be the challenge; rains, cold or heat, it provided us training to deal with it all. It made me experience the cold of Harishchandragad, the rains of Rajgad and the heat at hot rockpatches near Bhaje.. It made us to go on hunger strike during Visapur trek.. But never let me go ill due to anything.. It always gave us power to fight, whatever may be the situation.. And that's where I still get inspiration whenever I stuck up in life..
Here is the day to salute these two great Gurus of my life.. I will never forget you..
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
World Heritage Centers in India
Monday, September 04, 2006
Here is the list of spots in India that are listed in world heritage centres, as listed by UNESCO.
* Agra Fort (1983)
* Ajanta Caves (1983)
* Ellora Caves (1983)
* Taj Mahal (1983)
* Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram (1984)
* Sun Temple, Konârak (1984)
* Kaziranga National Park (1985)
* Keoladeo National Park (1985)
* Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (1985)
* Churches and Convents of Goa (1986)
* Fatehpur Sikri (1986)
* Group of Monuments at Hampi (1986)
* Khajuraho Group of Monuments (1986)
* Elephanta Caves (1987)
* Great Living Chola Temples (1987, 2004)
* Group of Monuments at Pattadakal (1987)
* Sundarbans National Park (1987)
* Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks (1988, 2005)
* Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi (1989)
* Humayun's Tomb, Delhi (1993)
* Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi (1993)
* Mountain Railways of India (1999, 2005) 13
* Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002)
* Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (2003)
* Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park (2004)
* Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) (2004)
Properties submitted on the Tentative List
* Temples at Bishnupur, West Bengal (1998)
* Buddhist Monastery Complex, Alchi, Leh, known as Alchi Chos-kor (1998)
* Golconda Fort, Hyderbad, Andhra Pradesh (1998)
* Dholavira: a Harappan City, Gujarat, Disstt, Kachchh (1998)
* Rani-ki-Vav (The Queen's Stepwell) at Patan, Gujarat (1998)
* Mattanchery Palace, Ernakulam, Kerala (1998)
* Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, Sasaram, Bihar (1998)
* Group of Monuments at Mandu, Madhya Pradesh (1998)
* Ancient Buddhist Site, Sarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (1998)
* Hemis Gompa (1998)
* Sri Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar, Punjab (2004)
* River island of Majuli in midstream of Brahmaputra River in Assam (2004)
* Kalka Shimla Railway (2004)
* Kalka Shimla Railway (2004)
* Red Fort, Delhi (2005)
* The Matheran Light Railway (extension to the Mountain Railways of India) (2005)
* Western Ghats (sub cluster nomination) (2006)
* Namdapha National Park (2006)
* Wild Ass Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch (2006)
* Kangchendzonga National Park (2006)
This post is related to News and Informative
Happy Birthday my friend
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Today I'm going to tell you about my friend. A friend who was not at all a friend for me. He was just a known stranger to me. We used to work together in MIT NCC TROOP. But we were never friends. We were just coligues. But he was always caring for me.
We once had a fight. And the fight continued for very long. But the day it ended, we were tied together by some bond. I don't know what it was. It was an invisible bond which tied us together.
We share not only same kind of feelings and thoughts, but we also share same birthday. Yup.. We both are born on 3rd September, 1984, with a difference of less than 1 hour.He was never loud and clear when it used to come to expressing emotions. But when expressing thoughts, he was firm as a rock. Sometimes we used to think that he is rock minded person. But once he started expressing his emotions, we realised that he is very emotional and soft minded person.
He was leader of blood donation committee. And he was mastermind of all Troop activities. He intiated lot of new things in troop which have become a trend today. He used to stay away from girls but later he fell in love himself. And today, he is so much in love that he will give a complex to majnu and romeo.He firmly believes that you can't rectify the system until you have either money or power. And to earn power, he is appearing for UPSC and trying for IAS.
He is a very perfect analyst.
He had written in my slam book, "You are known for two things. Passion for treks and knowledge of computer. And you have used the second one very effectively for first one". Also he had given me some very good suggestions. Which obviously I won't share here :D
Well, there is nothing much to write. Cause he is such a personality that you can't stop writing about him. I will just wish a very happy birthday to Cdt. Yogesh Walke.

This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Nothing much to write. Was in Pune for a week. My results of final year are out. I got 67% in second sem with an increase of 13%. Overall, I have 61% in final year.
Now back to Latur and again back to the flow. Waiting for the big day. Nothing much to say.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Friday, September 01, 2006
There is an option called Collage in Piccasa. Just used it to create these two snaps.. Kinda good it is..
This post is related to Photos
Phone bill
The phone bill was exceptionally high and the man of the house called a family meeting.
Dad: People this is unacceptable. You have to limit the use of the phone. I do not use this phone, I use the one at the office.
Mum: Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.
Son: Me too, I never use the home phone. I always use my company mobile.
Maid: So what is the problem? We all use our work telephones.
This is not just a joke. Its a food for thought. We need to think about it. We misuse company property or national property without any hesitation. But when it comes to our personal property, we start shouting about it.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Again online for hours
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
This is the story about time. The time when I was alone. I was living in a hostel with a room mate, always surrounded by friends. Still, I was alone. And my only friend my computer and internet. I used to be online for hours. Well, talking about exact figures, 10 AM to 2 AM. Yup, almost 16 hours a day. And other times also, my net connection used to be active for downloading.
Later I started reducing my online time and rather, tried to be online in real world. I started interacting with friends, wandering here and there, visiting college once or twice a day. So my online timings reduced to 5-6 hours a day.
Then I graduated. And shifted to home. Meanwhile, Airtel increased the GPRS rates by 171% (12 Rs. per day). So I disconnected the net cause it was going too costly. So whole 15 days I was away from net.
Then I realized life is stuck somewhere without internet. So I decided to again activate GPRS. And, finally I did it.
Now is the time when I'm again getting addicted to internet. I'm online for about 7 hours on the working days. And on holidays, 12 full hours. Today also, I'm on net from 9 AM. And now it is 8 PM.
I'm again getting addicted to net. But what do I do online? Well, just orkutting. Surfing 2-3 different sites, few blogs. But again back to orkut. Then while sleeping, I realize I forgot blogging. Then I open blogger and put up 1-2 entries.
Then while sleeping, I think of the day and realize that one more day has finished in internet. Then I decide to reduce the time on internet from next day.
And the next day, again I decide for the next day.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
My college
Here are two snaps of my college, MIT Pune taken through Microlight aeroplane by Flg. Offr. Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, a professor from our college.
This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
My vegan life
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Its Paryushan time. And this time I've decided to follow a vegan life during the Paryushan Parva.
I had previously tried following a vegan life and it was too difficult. This time again, I decided to check my control power once again. This time I'm at home where lot of sweets are always in fridge. And I'm a big fan of sweets. But this time, I can't have the sweets as they are all made up of milk and khawa. Mom wants me to have a lot of ghee and grow fat. But ghee is not a vegan product. So, can't have it :( And without ghee, everything is so tasteless. I can't have my favorite bournavita. I used to take 1 liter milk each day, and today I have to drop milk completely.
Overall, life is going a little boring with this vegan lifestyle. But then, its simple too. And simplicity is always better. I accept, I can't manage with this simple lifestyle for much long. But 1 week of simple life will teach me a lot. I just hope this vegan life will continue for atleast 1 whole week :D
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Many established as well as newbee writers write about "Mother". But its a rare occasion when someone writes about "Father". I just got hold of one such document. So here is the document. Have a look at it.
computer leteracy
Sunday, August 20, 2006
One of my friend forwarded me this joke. Quite funny it is..
A plain computer illeterate guy rings tech support to report that his computer is faulty.
Tech: What's the problem?
User: There is smoke coming out of the power supply.
Tech: You'll need a new power supply.
User: No, I don't! I just need to change the startup files.
Tech: Sir, the power supply is faulty. You'll need to replace it.
User: No way! Someone told me that I just needed to change the startup and it will fix the problem! All I need is for you to tell me the command.
10 minutes later, the User is still adamant that he is right. The
tech is frustrated and fed up.
Tech: Sorry, Sir. We don't normally tell our customers this, but there is an undocumented DOS command that will fix the problem.
User: I knew it!
Tech: Just add the line LOAD NOSMOKE.COM at the end of the CONFIG.SYS.
User: Letme know how it goes.
10 minutes later.
User: It didn't work. The power supply is still smoking.
Tech: Well, what version of DOS are you using?
User: MS-DOS 6.22.
Tech: That's your problem there. That version of DOS didn't come with NOSMOKE. Contact Microsoft and ask them for a patch that will give you the file. Let me know how it goes.
1 hour later.
User: I need a new power supply.
Tech: How did you come to that conclusion?
User: Well, I rang Microsoft and told him about what you said, and he started asking questions about the make of power supply.
Tech: Then what did he say?
User: He told me that my power supply isn't compatible with NOSMOKE.
This post is related to Some Lighter Moments
Independence Day Parade
Saturday, August 19, 2006
As per usual tradition, I was in MIT Pune for the independence day celebration on this 15th August. Its great watching this cadet saluting the National Tricolour with utmost pride. The parade is followed by a meeting and a party. Here are just few snaps of the same function.

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Poloticisation of arts
Friday, August 18, 2006
Last few days, I'm reading in newspaper about the "Dadasaheb Phalke Award", the highest award in Indian Television Industry. The nominees this year are two actresses. One is Marathi and another is a bengali. Well, its obvious that Marathi people will be happy if Sulochana Didi gets the award. And same about Bengali people.
Now, this newspaper is spreading news like "Bengal lobby working for award", "Somnath Chatterjee, Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, Pranab Mukhargee etc. working hard for the award", "No Marathi leader trying for the award except Sharad Pawar". I think how good it is to TRY for the award? Specially the thing that politicians working for the award in arts field? This newspaper having a reputed position in maharashtra for over 70 years, really deserves a standing applause.
One side, they write long articles blaming the politicians for bringing the politics in sports. And another side, they expect the politicians to bring politics in arts. Shameful, isn't it?
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Kal Ho Na Ho !!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
In the Mahabharata, the most celebrated epic of the Hindus, several great men were requested to answer a significant question: “What is the most wonderful thing in this world?” Various answers were given but they were all found unsatisfactory.
However, the answer by Yudhishthira was accepted. “Every day animals and human beings pass away but we don’t think of death; we think that we shall never die. What can be more wonderful than this?”. This answer is relevant even today.
While all of us know that we will die one day or the other, most of us live as though we are going to live forever. Although nobody really knows for sure which will be the fateful day of our life, we all live as if we are certain that we won’t die today! We live in complete negligence of this fact that death could be waiting to meet us at any point of time.
This may appear like a pessimistic note of death. But the fact is that this reminder can also be the most zealous glorification of life. Yes, death is a fact that can add greater meaning to our lives than we can ever imagine. If we understand that death has the most unplanned plan, planned out for each of us, we will perhaps at least make an effort to plan our lives better! After all, Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
Starting today, live life as if it is all going to be over tonight. Treat everyone you meet with care, kindness and all the understanding you possess.. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho! Do everything you really want to do today itself. Watch the sunrise in complete admiration, as though this is last sunrise you are going to watch. Eat well, as though there is not going to be another meal. Perform all your duties earnestly, as though this is your last assignment. Learn as much as you can, as though you are learning the last lesson of your life. Love every person you meet, as though you may never meet them like this again. Laugh and smile as much as you ca, as though you won’t get another chance to express your innocence. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
Life is indeed, a set of fleeting experiences. Before most of us even realize that we are living, life gets over! Let every moment be a celebration of love, happiness, knowledge and life. Invest yourself completely in the art of living. Most people live as if they are going to live forever. Let us try to live as if we are going to die today. Let us pack as much as we can into this one day – today! Live life one day at a time. Live each day as if it is your last day on this planet. Let not the future haunt your efforts. Let not the past steal your time. Always remember that this time is limited and any moment could be the last. Make the best of each and every moment. Thus, let the context of death add life to your life. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
I will do more
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I will do more than care - I will help
I will do more than believe - I will practise
I will do more than be fair - I will be kind
I will do more than forgive - I will forget
I will do more than dream - I will work
I will do more than teach - I will inspire
I will do more than give - I will serve
I will do more than be friendly - I will be a friend
I will do more than be a citizen - I will be a patriotic
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Human Nature
Saturday, August 12, 2006
In innocence, we believe anything;
In wisdom, we reject everything;
In knowledge, we rise higher;
In behaviour, we are arrogant;
In anger, we inflict wounds;
In respentance, we weep;
In seeking favour, we are humble;
After gaining favour, we are proud;
In misfortune, the fortunate we envy;
In prosperity, the unfortunate we dislike;
All serious thoughts we soon erase,
Starting from a silly philosophy
‘Human nature being what it is ..!!!
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Raigad through bird's eye
The Story of our National Flag

Hello friends.
Our independence day is just two days ahead. This is the day when we salute our National Flag with utlost pride. So just wanted to share the story of birth and evolution of Indian National Flag.
The first national flag was hoisted by Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park), Calcutta on 1st August, 1906. It had three colours- Red, yellow and green stripes. The stripe on top had eight Lotus flowers. Bande Matram was written in Devnagri script on the yellow strip in bright blue.
The second national flag was hoisted in 107 in Paris by Madame Cama and her group of revolutionaries in exile. It had only one lotus on top strip, and seven stars representing Saptarishis.
The third national flag was hoisted during the Homerule movement in 1917. Lokmanya Tilak and Annie Besant hoisted it. It was a very simpler version and had a white crescent and a star at one end.
The fourth version, "Tricolour" came after the arrival of Gandhiji on the political scene in 1920. An AICC Session was held in Bezawada (Now Vijaywada) in 1921, from 31st March to 1st April. The session under Gandhiji's leadership had witnessed the emergence of the Tricolour flag. Shri Pingali Venkayya presented Gandhiji a flag which had only two colours, red and green. Gandhiji approved it and was hoisted at the session. Later Gandhiji suggested addition of white strip. At the sugeestion of Sri Hansraj of Jalandhar, Charkha was added.
The final design of national flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July 1947. This final design was hoisted on 15th August, 1947.
This post is related to News and Informative
Again out of touch
Monday, August 07, 2006
Hello friends. Again I was out of touch with friends for long time. No net at home. And no time to go on net cafes. Haven't recharged cell for last 1 week. So no contact through phone also.
Missing all my friends after coming here. Those days were so good. So great. Like blessed with sunshine and love.
I just miss those days.. I hope someone invents time machine soon so that I can get back to those days...
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Long long wait
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Hello friends. It had been real long since I was last online. These days, I'm in Latur and hence unable to spend much time online.
Now, I've started paying some attention in Dad's business. As I learn few things and become mature enough, will start my own business. Only thing is I need to have some maturity. Hoping for the best very soon..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Surya Shibir
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Few days back, my friends Shantanu and Yogesh gave us a grand party at Surya Shibir Resort near Pune. Unfortunately I couldn't attend whole day but I was there a the end. Here are few snaps of the same.

This post is related to Outing, Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Back to Latur
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Friends, last few days were very dramatic in my life. I was selected in a software company. And then there were some problems due to which I had to decide not to have the job. I decided not to go to Mumbai and for that matter, no where away from Latur.
So what to do in Latur? Well, at present there doesn't seem anything concrete. I will have to go for business or some industry. But what business??? What industry?? Big question.. Can anyone please guide me?
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Cloud and its shadow
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yesterday when I was surfing through the sky above Latur with the help of Google Earth, I got this amazing pic. It shows a white cloud and its shadow. Don't know why but I found this view very amazing.
Don't forget to check out arial view of my home.
This post is related to Photos
My home on google earth
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today, after a long time, I was surfing net in our college library. And just for timepass, I started google earth. I was amazed to see clean snaps of Latur for first time. So I started looking for view of my home, college, school and all the places of my interest. Here I'm putting up the top view of my home. Other memories of mine will soon be here.

This post is related to Photos
Thursday, June 15, 2006
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Orkut is addictive
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Is there any doubt with this? Everyone who uses this great service by google will accept this universal fact.
I'm on orkut since August 2004. So it had been almost 2 years now. Last 1 year, I was too active on orkut and my scrap count went upto 3000. This was the saturation time when I started feeling bugged up. So all I did was started deleting each scrap. And this way, I managed to bring my scrap count to zero. Today I'm feeling so relaxed after deleting them all.
Its not that orkut is plain timepass. But it surely is when you use it behind a certain limit, the way I was using to increase scrap count. And once I got internet at my room and plenty of time to waste, the timepass had to increase and it did. But I should never forget that I got in touch with many old friends and got few new from orkut only. So, I won't mistake deleting my orkut account as some friend of mine suggested me.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought