Happy Birthday my friend
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Today I'm going to tell you about my friend. A friend who was not at all a friend for me. He was just a known stranger to me. We used to work together in MIT NCC TROOP. But we were never friends. We were just coligues. But he was always caring for me.
We once had a fight. And the fight continued for very long. But the day it ended, we were tied together by some bond. I don't know what it was. It was an invisible bond which tied us together.
We share not only same kind of feelings and thoughts, but we also share same birthday. Yup.. We both are born on 3rd September, 1984, with a difference of less than 1 hour.He was never loud and clear when it used to come to expressing emotions. But when expressing thoughts, he was firm as a rock. Sometimes we used to think that he is rock minded person. But once he started expressing his emotions, we realised that he is very emotional and soft minded person.
He was leader of blood donation committee. And he was mastermind of all Troop activities. He intiated lot of new things in troop which have become a trend today. He used to stay away from girls but later he fell in love himself. And today, he is so much in love that he will give a complex to majnu and romeo.He firmly believes that you can't rectify the system until you have either money or power. And to earn power, he is appearing for UPSC and trying for IAS.
He is a very perfect analyst.
He had written in my slam book, "You are known for two things. Passion for treks and knowledge of computer. And you have used the second one very effectively for first one". Also he had given me some very good suggestions. Which obviously I won't share here :D
Well, there is nothing much to write. Cause he is such a personality that you can't stop writing about him. I will just wish a very happy birthday to Cdt. Yogesh Walke.

2 people thought of commenting on this:
Thanks a lot Rushal for the comment..
Yuo. India needs dedicated people like us..
Wow... I feel like saluting you... Very touched by the post... I could rem the old times...
Yogesh Sir should really get into the services... India req many more Yogeshs' !!!