Plan for weekend
Friday, December 30, 2005
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
I'm back
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I'm back to Pune after a stay of 4 days at home. The journey to Latur was very tiresome and not at all good. It took 14 hours to complete the normally 7 hours journey. Anyways, as now I'm back, the blog updation restarts now...
Keep supporting me as usual.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Mamma, I'm coming home...!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
After three long months, finally I'm going home. I'm going to Latur. I'm going to meet my parents. Going to meet didi who is coming to from Jalna to meet me. I'm going to meet little Aditya, Rutuja and Rishikesh (My nephews). It was September when I last visited home. Lot of things happened after that. There were my Navratri fasts (9 days without bed, food and footwears). Then there was Diwali and this was my first Diwali without my family. Then there were my exams and seminar.
During all these time, I missed my family too much. There were lot of bad things in my life after September and I always wanted to cry with mamma. I always thought she is the only one who could have figured out my sorrows, my problems and definitely would have helped me out.
I miss playing with Aditya. How he calls me "Chachu" or "Dinesh". Yes, he calls me by name and I love it. I miss all those days I spend at home. And I miss my family.
I miss didi. I remember how I cried in the bus after her marriage. I couldn't attend her Bidaai as I had to attend my exams. But, whenever I see that video, I can't resist myself from crying.
Today, I'm felling too glad that I'm going home. I will meet my family after long time. Last year, I went home on 21st December. Here is the post of last year.
BTW, won't be posting for 3 days. So, here is wishing you all Merry Christmas.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
United we BLOG
Friday, December 23, 2005
Just a brief account of Blogs owned by students of BE IT class. The star mark (*) indicates that the person is member of blog.
Names arranged alphabetically.
Abhijeet Rathod
Abhijeet's Space:
Abhishek Shingote
The light hurts my eyes:
Devendra Laulkar
Non sequitur?:
*The Saga of Stable Boy:
*Linux force:
Dinesh Soni
Dinesh Soni's Blog:
World through Camera Lens:
*Trade insults:
*Linux force:
*Mawla Group, Pune:
*Blog of Latur City:
Kedar Bave
What you see is what you get:
*The Saga of Stable Boy:
*Trade insults:
*Linux force:
Mayuresh Watharkar
*Linux force:
Mihir Mone
...and people think I am freak:
*The Saga of Stable Boy:
*Trade insults:
*Linux force:
Nilesh Deo
*Linux force:
Preeya Kulkarni
*The Saga of Stable Boy:
*Linux force:
Ruman Tambe
The adventures of Ruman:
*The Saga of Stable Boy:
*Trade insults:
*Linux force:
Tejas Joshi
*Linux force:
If anyone missing, please add up..
If you are watching my blog from Mozilla Firefox, you will spot an icon in the address bar. This is called fevicon. Hope you liked that.
You want one for you? Its very easy to have it. All you need is an icon (.ico) file.
1) Generate an icon file from your own jpeg or jpg file.
3) Now just put up the following code in your blog template between <head> and </head> tags.
4) Now save the template and open your blog. You'll spot the icon associated with your page.
The fevicon should be at the most 16*16 so as to have better visibility.
One last word, if you are using internet explorer, then I'll just say "May GOD Bless You". You are using the most sucking web browser. I'll recommend you to switch to Mozilla Firefox.
This post is related to News and Informative
Report About Cleanup Campaign at Tikona
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A trek and cleanup campaign at fort Tikona was organised by Mawla Group, Pune on December 17th and 18th, 2005. The campaign was a big success. Here is a brief report about this campaign.
Need of the campaign
The following images clear the need of cleanup campaign

The cave before the cleanup

The temple before cleanup
What We did

Cleaning the floor

Repairing the risky route that goes to the caves

Cleaning the caves

Cleaning walls

Cleaning Cave walls

Because we had a passion to clean it, at any cost

We can manage any problem (Repairing the torn bags)

Caves after cleanup

Temple after cleanup
Other activities

Campfire (We didn't cut a single wood for campfire)

Enjoying the food

What is a trek without little mischief
The team

1) Dinesh Soni
2) Dhiraj Jain
3) Tushar Dhage
4) Amol Katare
5) Kishor Bagde
6) Pranali Bharambe
7) Nilesh Chaudhari
8) Deepmala Chavan
9) Pradnya Purke
10) Nikhil Salve
11) Ameya Shete
This post is related to Outing
Where there is a will, there is a way
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
This post is related to Photos
Congrats Dhiraj
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Congratulations Dhiraj for winning the DSK Energy Award.
M/s. DS Kulkarni Developers Ltd with their commitment to promote use of Renewable Energy in Construction field have instituted this award. This award is being given to an eminent personality involved in the field of Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency.
Dhiraj also got first prize for the paper presented about "Bio-diesel" at National Level Paper Presentation Competition at Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
The modern Mahabharata
Monday, December 19, 2005
Crystal blur has started a very fantastic series about "Mahabharata through modern view" devided in parts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and many more to come. Keep checking her blog for the updates.
Tikona Clean-up Campaign
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Hey guys, just back from a clean-up campaign at Fort Tikona. It was overall very good and widely successful. We cleaned all the messy write-ups and graphiti on walls, we cleared the garbage lying on the fort and we repared the route to the caves..
Well, that was not the only thing we did. We also enjoyed lot the work we were doing. All together, we were 11 people and we did a lot lot looooooooooooot of enjoyment.
Anywyas guys, I'm too tired now. Will post a detailed post tomorrow. The photos will also be available in a couple of days..
This post is related to Outing
Another Maharashtrian makes it big
Friday, December 16, 2005
After Harshwardhan Nawathe (First Crorepati) and Abhijeet Sawant (Indian Idol), now Sachin and Supriya Pilgaonkar made it big in the Indian Reality show "Nach Baliye".
Seems the shows are too fond of Maharashtrians or is it that Maharashtrians are habituated to win..!!!
Whatever the case may be, we'll have to congratulate them. Well done Sachin and Supriya. I'm proud of you...
Accessing Private Members in C++
Thursday, December 15, 2005
It had been long since I last wrote something technical. My friends are continuously bugging me for writing something technical. Before my technical image vanishes away in trek and social activites, here is some technical stuff..
This code demonstrates how we can access Private Data Members in C++. This is a major flaw in OOP in C++..
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
class person
char name[40];
char grade;
int age;
person(char* nam="Default",char gr='A',int saal=25)
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& s,person b);
ostream& operator <<(ostream& s,person b)
s<<"Name :"<<<<endl
<<"Rating :"<<b.grade<<endl
<<"Age :"<<b.age<<"\n\n\n";
return s;
struct hack
char name[40];
char grade;
char age;
void main()
person bc;
void* ptr=&bc;
struct hack* person_1=(hack*)ptr;
strcpy(person_1->name,"Dinesh Soni");
This post is related to News and Informative, technology
How Fast is your connection
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Mcafee provides a sppedometer that calculates your interenet speed.
You could be using your network connection at work, or at home using a dial-up modem, ISDN connection, a cable modem, or a digital subscriber line (DSL). Whatever the device or technology you're using to surf the Web, it will tell you the speed of your Internet connection.
Try it
Here is my connection speed with Airtel GPRS..
This post is related to News and Informative, technology
Indian MPs for sale
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

One more sting operation. Few more got caught. But is that all? No. Its just the tip of iceberg. There is lot more to come out.
One more sting operation --> Few more suspended from party --> One more enquiry comission will be put up --> Few days the enquiry "I-am-doing-serious-investgation" Drama will go on --> Everyone will forget about the issue. By the time the enquiry comission report will be out, even the comission people won't remember what was the comission for..
Whatever may be the things, we have to congratulate AAj Tak and Cobrapost for showing the guts to take risk and get these politicians cost.
Btw, did all the politicians who were offered bribe accpeted it, or were there some who rejected the bribe? It'll be interesting to know.
Online from my comp
Monday, December 12, 2005
This post is being posted from my own comp. I started accessing net through my own Airtel GPRS, connected to my computer through a Bluetooth device. Now I can chat, send mails, read mails, downlaod etc. from my own comp. Gosh.. I am so excited about it.. I think tonight I'll get dreams of different sites only..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Word Verification
Friday, December 09, 2005
Ritesh says Blogger should not ask for word verification while posting comment on own blog.I say there should be provision for marking some bloggers as *authorised* and word verification should not be applicable for these bloggers. Well, we can even have *ignore list*
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
My Photo Blog
I've recently started a new photo blog. I will be sharing images about latest activities in my life or in this world. Anyhow, it will be ralated with my life and choice. Check out the new blog here
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
A post from tablet PC
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Another from Hardik's tablet PC.
Click on the image..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Negaive Blood Group... Don't worry !!!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
We all know how rare the negative bloodgroups are.. In case of emergency, it is very difficult to find negative group blood donors..
There is a site that can help us in such cases.. This site has a large daabase of negative group blood donors.. If you are having a negative group, register yourself on this site. This site is created by Ladies Circle, India ad I really appreciate this initiative..
Check out the site here
Dinesh Soni
This post is related to News and Informative
The Different Me
Hey that's me through Dhiraj's K750i..

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Latur on Wikipedia
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I was just surfing through wikipedia when I thought to check out what they have to say about Latur. To my surprise, someone has put up a note about Latur blog which has been recently started. Even more surprising was that person had even specified my name there.
Thanks man, whoever has put-up this.
Don't mess with MEN
Few days I posted something about woman. The men are also dangerous to handle sometimes..
An American soldier was deported to Iraq and after being there for a
while he received a long awaited letter from his girlfriend back home, which
Dear Ricky,
I can no longer accept our relationship. The distance between us is drifting us apart. I have to admit that I have already betrayed you twice, which is not fair
for either one of us. I am sorry and I hope that you will forgive me and send me back my picture, which you always carry around.
The soldier, feeling offended and hurt, asks his friends in the army to all lend him as many pictures they have of girlfriends, mothers, sisters, female cousins, etc... He gathers 57 pictures, which he places in an envelope and writes the following note:
Dear Becky,
I am sorry but I could not remember who exactly you are. So could you please be an angel and pick up your picture from among the rest and send them back to me?!
Good luck,
This post is related to Some Lighter Moments
First Computer Crime
Monday, December 05, 2005
Here is a paragraph from our ISS book. Found it interesting so sharing with you.
It is difficult to determine when the first computer crime involving a computer actally occured. The computer has been around in some form since the abacus, which is known to have existed way back to 3500 B.C. In Japan, China and India. In 1801, profit motives encouraged Joseph Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, to design the forerunner of the computer card. This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. So concerened were Jacquard's employees with the threat to their traditional employment and livelihood that act of sabotage were committed to discourage Mr. Jacquard from further use of the new technology. A computer crime had been committed.
Dinesh H. Soni
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
1 day without mobile !!!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Today, I had to spend one whole day without my mobile.. It meant no incoming, no outgoing, no outgoing SMS, and most of all no GPRS (read as no gmail).
Actually, I had lot of balance but no validity :-( And my ATM machine refused to give any money.. Seems this ATM is working just like our MLAs. Most of the time busy fighting with themselves rather than solving our problems. I tried 4 times in last 2 days thinking to recharge before validity ends.
Finally at night when it was unbearable, I called up Dhiraj and asked him to recharge my cell..
Now, its working and I'm typing this post in Gmail compose window, THANX TO DHIRAJ !!!
Dinesh H. Soni
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Now let's accept homosexuality and pre-maritual sex !!!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Now that government has accepted the kissing scenes in movies, hope they will accept other facts of life. I'm refering 1 day old decision of Supreme Court that Homosexuality will not be allowed in India. Come on guys, grow up! Its a way of living for some people and you must accept that. Just having a ban on it won't change people mindset. Those who like it, will have it. You can't stop them. Also premaritual sex does happen in India. Just the thing is people don't talk about it. That is shown in movies for quite a long time. May it be Kya Kehna or Salaam Namaste. If it is shown for so long in movies and Ekta Kapoor serials (which are seen by 80% of housewives in cities), and if they don't feel offended while watching on TV, why do they feel offended when Saundarya Khushboo or Sania talks about it? I hate this mentality of Indians..
Dinesh H. Soni
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Go ahead ! Kiss your girl !!
Just heared on telivision that there will be no objection on kissing
scenes in movies. This announcement came from Information and
Broadcasting Minister Priyaranjan Dasmunshi.
This news implies that somewhere down the line, we are accepting the
fact. Everything is part and parcel of life (This phrase I've picked
up from my very good friend Soni Singh). Coming back to point, in
every love relationship, kiss plays a vital role and we've to accept
it. Its just a hug and kiss with which you show your lover how much
you love and care.
People should grow up and see at this feeling with a broad point of view.
Hats off to Mr. Minister for this decision !
Btw, I had previously posted about the importance of first kiss in
romantic relatioship, but can't provide the link as I'm posting from
my cell..
Dinesh H. Soni
MIT Pune
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Latur's IT academy: Maharashtra CM's deal with Microsoft
Dinesh H. Soni
Entries filling up fast
Dinesh H. Soni
This post is related to Outing
Taking break
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Hi friends
I’m taking break.. A break for about 15 days.. Will be posting but not so frequently..
I’ve my exams from 5th upto 15th.. Will be back after 15th with same spirit..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Timepass with Tablet PC
This post I’m typing on Hardik’s tablet PC. This guy has some Acer Tablet Pc (TravelMate C110). Its fun to play with these gadgets.. This guy has a tablet PC with 20 GB HD and not a single song.. I really hate these techie guys.. All they have is gadgets and technical stuff.. The gadgets those are not useful for entertainment..
This guys owns 2 smart phones, USB enabled watch, a laptop and tablet PC.. Now he is sleeping and I wanted something entertainment.. But there are no songs, no movies, no videos in his Hard Drives.. Well, he has some videos but all are some Microsoft corporation videos which I can’t watch without his permission..
Anyways, only thing I could do was have some time pass with a tool called sketchbook Pro.. here are just few of my adakari.. I’m too bad at drawing.. So the only thing I could do is writing my name..

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani