Timepass with Tablet PC
Thursday, December 01, 2005
This post I’m typing on Hardik’s tablet PC. This guy has some Acer Tablet Pc (TravelMate C110). Its fun to play with these gadgets.. This guy has a tablet PC with 20 GB HD and not a single song.. I really hate these techie guys.. All they have is gadgets and technical stuff.. The gadgets those are not useful for entertainment..
This guys owns 2 smart phones, USB enabled watch, a laptop and tablet PC.. Now he is sleeping and I wanted something entertainment.. But there are no songs, no movies, no videos in his Hard Drives.. Well, he has some videos but all are some Microsoft corporation videos which I can’t watch without his permission..
Anyways, only thing I could do was have some time pass with a tool called sketchbook Pro.. here are just few of my adakari.. I’m too bad at drawing.. So the only thing I could do is writing my name..

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
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