Again online for hours
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
This is the story about time. The time when I was alone. I was living in a hostel with a room mate, always surrounded by friends. Still, I was alone. And my only friend my computer and internet. I used to be online for hours. Well, talking about exact figures, 10 AM to 2 AM. Yup, almost 16 hours a day. And other times also, my net connection used to be active for downloading.
Later I started reducing my online time and rather, tried to be online in real world. I started interacting with friends, wandering here and there, visiting college once or twice a day. So my online timings reduced to 5-6 hours a day.
Then I graduated. And shifted to home. Meanwhile, Airtel increased the GPRS rates by 171% (12 Rs. per day). So I disconnected the net cause it was going too costly. So whole 15 days I was away from net.
Then I realized life is stuck somewhere without internet. So I decided to again activate GPRS. And, finally I did it.
Now is the time when I'm again getting addicted to internet. I'm online for about 7 hours on the working days. And on holidays, 12 full hours. Today also, I'm on net from 9 AM. And now it is 8 PM.
I'm again getting addicted to net. But what do I do online? Well, just orkutting. Surfing 2-3 different sites, few blogs. But again back to orkut. Then while sleeping, I realize I forgot blogging. Then I open blogger and put up 1-2 entries.
Then while sleeping, I think of the day and realize that one more day has finished in internet. Then I decide to reduce the time on internet from next day.
And the next day, again I decide for the next day.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
My college
Here are two snaps of my college, MIT Pune taken through Microlight aeroplane by Flg. Offr. Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, a professor from our college.
This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
My vegan life
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Its Paryushan time. And this time I've decided to follow a vegan life during the Paryushan Parva.
I had previously tried following a vegan life and it was too difficult. This time again, I decided to check my control power once again. This time I'm at home where lot of sweets are always in fridge. And I'm a big fan of sweets. But this time, I can't have the sweets as they are all made up of milk and khawa. Mom wants me to have a lot of ghee and grow fat. But ghee is not a vegan product. So, can't have it :( And without ghee, everything is so tasteless. I can't have my favorite bournavita. I used to take 1 liter milk each day, and today I have to drop milk completely.
Overall, life is going a little boring with this vegan lifestyle. But then, its simple too. And simplicity is always better. I accept, I can't manage with this simple lifestyle for much long. But 1 week of simple life will teach me a lot. I just hope this vegan life will continue for atleast 1 whole week :D
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Many established as well as newbee writers write about "Mother". But its a rare occasion when someone writes about "Father". I just got hold of one such document. So here is the document. Have a look at it.
computer leteracy
Sunday, August 20, 2006
One of my friend forwarded me this joke. Quite funny it is..
A plain computer illeterate guy rings tech support to report that his computer is faulty.
Tech: What's the problem?
User: There is smoke coming out of the power supply.
Tech: You'll need a new power supply.
User: No, I don't! I just need to change the startup files.
Tech: Sir, the power supply is faulty. You'll need to replace it.
User: No way! Someone told me that I just needed to change the startup and it will fix the problem! All I need is for you to tell me the command.
10 minutes later, the User is still adamant that he is right. The
tech is frustrated and fed up.
Tech: Sorry, Sir. We don't normally tell our customers this, but there is an undocumented DOS command that will fix the problem.
User: I knew it!
Tech: Just add the line LOAD NOSMOKE.COM at the end of the CONFIG.SYS.
User: Letme know how it goes.
10 minutes later.
User: It didn't work. The power supply is still smoking.
Tech: Well, what version of DOS are you using?
User: MS-DOS 6.22.
Tech: That's your problem there. That version of DOS didn't come with NOSMOKE. Contact Microsoft and ask them for a patch that will give you the file. Let me know how it goes.
1 hour later.
User: I need a new power supply.
Tech: How did you come to that conclusion?
User: Well, I rang Microsoft and told him about what you said, and he started asking questions about the make of power supply.
Tech: Then what did he say?
User: He told me that my power supply isn't compatible with NOSMOKE.
This post is related to Some Lighter Moments
Independence Day Parade
Saturday, August 19, 2006
As per usual tradition, I was in MIT Pune for the independence day celebration on this 15th August. Its great watching this cadet saluting the National Tricolour with utmost pride. The parade is followed by a meeting and a party. Here are just few snaps of the same function.

This post is related to Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Poloticisation of arts
Friday, August 18, 2006
Last few days, I'm reading in newspaper about the "Dadasaheb Phalke Award", the highest award in Indian Television Industry. The nominees this year are two actresses. One is Marathi and another is a bengali. Well, its obvious that Marathi people will be happy if Sulochana Didi gets the award. And same about Bengali people.
Now, this newspaper is spreading news like "Bengal lobby working for award", "Somnath Chatterjee, Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, Pranab Mukhargee etc. working hard for the award", "No Marathi leader trying for the award except Sharad Pawar". I think how good it is to TRY for the award? Specially the thing that politicians working for the award in arts field? This newspaper having a reputed position in maharashtra for over 70 years, really deserves a standing applause.
One side, they write long articles blaming the politicians for bringing the politics in sports. And another side, they expect the politicians to bring politics in arts. Shameful, isn't it?
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Kal Ho Na Ho !!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
In the Mahabharata, the most celebrated epic of the Hindus, several great men were requested to answer a significant question: “What is the most wonderful thing in this world?” Various answers were given but they were all found unsatisfactory.
However, the answer by Yudhishthira was accepted. “Every day animals and human beings pass away but we don’t think of death; we think that we shall never die. What can be more wonderful than this?”. This answer is relevant even today.
While all of us know that we will die one day or the other, most of us live as though we are going to live forever. Although nobody really knows for sure which will be the fateful day of our life, we all live as if we are certain that we won’t die today! We live in complete negligence of this fact that death could be waiting to meet us at any point of time.
This may appear like a pessimistic note of death. But the fact is that this reminder can also be the most zealous glorification of life. Yes, death is a fact that can add greater meaning to our lives than we can ever imagine. If we understand that death has the most unplanned plan, planned out for each of us, we will perhaps at least make an effort to plan our lives better! After all, Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
Starting today, live life as if it is all going to be over tonight. Treat everyone you meet with care, kindness and all the understanding you possess.. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho! Do everything you really want to do today itself. Watch the sunrise in complete admiration, as though this is last sunrise you are going to watch. Eat well, as though there is not going to be another meal. Perform all your duties earnestly, as though this is your last assignment. Learn as much as you can, as though you are learning the last lesson of your life. Love every person you meet, as though you may never meet them like this again. Laugh and smile as much as you ca, as though you won’t get another chance to express your innocence. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
Life is indeed, a set of fleeting experiences. Before most of us even realize that we are living, life gets over! Let every moment be a celebration of love, happiness, knowledge and life. Invest yourself completely in the art of living. Most people live as if they are going to live forever. Let us try to live as if we are going to die today. Let us pack as much as we can into this one day – today! Live life one day at a time. Live each day as if it is your last day on this planet. Let not the future haunt your efforts. Let not the past steal your time. Always remember that this time is limited and any moment could be the last. Make the best of each and every moment. Thus, let the context of death add life to your life. Kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho!
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
I will do more
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I will do more than care - I will help
I will do more than believe - I will practise
I will do more than be fair - I will be kind
I will do more than forgive - I will forget
I will do more than dream - I will work
I will do more than teach - I will inspire
I will do more than give - I will serve
I will do more than be friendly - I will be a friend
I will do more than be a citizen - I will be a patriotic
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Human Nature
Saturday, August 12, 2006
In innocence, we believe anything;
In wisdom, we reject everything;
In knowledge, we rise higher;
In behaviour, we are arrogant;
In anger, we inflict wounds;
In respentance, we weep;
In seeking favour, we are humble;
After gaining favour, we are proud;
In misfortune, the fortunate we envy;
In prosperity, the unfortunate we dislike;
All serious thoughts we soon erase,
Starting from a silly philosophy
‘Human nature being what it is ..!!!
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Raigad through bird's eye
The Story of our National Flag

Hello friends.
Our independence day is just two days ahead. This is the day when we salute our National Flag with utlost pride. So just wanted to share the story of birth and evolution of Indian National Flag.
The first national flag was hoisted by Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park), Calcutta on 1st August, 1906. It had three colours- Red, yellow and green stripes. The stripe on top had eight Lotus flowers. Bande Matram was written in Devnagri script on the yellow strip in bright blue.
The second national flag was hoisted in 107 in Paris by Madame Cama and her group of revolutionaries in exile. It had only one lotus on top strip, and seven stars representing Saptarishis.
The third national flag was hoisted during the Homerule movement in 1917. Lokmanya Tilak and Annie Besant hoisted it. It was a very simpler version and had a white crescent and a star at one end.
The fourth version, "Tricolour" came after the arrival of Gandhiji on the political scene in 1920. An AICC Session was held in Bezawada (Now Vijaywada) in 1921, from 31st March to 1st April. The session under Gandhiji's leadership had witnessed the emergence of the Tricolour flag. Shri Pingali Venkayya presented Gandhiji a flag which had only two colours, red and green. Gandhiji approved it and was hoisted at the session. Later Gandhiji suggested addition of white strip. At the sugeestion of Sri Hansraj of Jalandhar, Charkha was added.
The final design of national flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July 1947. This final design was hoisted on 15th August, 1947.
This post is related to News and Informative
Again out of touch
Monday, August 07, 2006
Hello friends. Again I was out of touch with friends for long time. No net at home. And no time to go on net cafes. Haven't recharged cell for last 1 week. So no contact through phone also.
Missing all my friends after coming here. Those days were so good. So great. Like blessed with sunshine and love.
I just miss those days.. I hope someone invents time machine soon so that I can get back to those days...
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani