Yahoo Messanger
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
This is for those people who can not access yahoo messanger from their office computers due to firewall or some other reasons.
This post is related to technology
Mooh me pani
Monday, February 27, 2006
Check out following snaps. These are images of refreshment arrangement during Blood Donation Drive.
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Happy Mahashivratri
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Blood Donation is over
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Blood Donation Drive arranged by MIT NCC TROOP is over. We got a fairly good responce. Total 308 donors donated blood. Photos will be up very soon.
This organisation arranges two drives per year where 300 donors donate blood and also 10 fortnightly drives where 15 donors donate blood every time. This way, the organisation saves 750 lives every year. Isn't that great?
I had been volunteer of this organisation for last 3 years. The organisation also works in various adventure and cultural activities. More details here
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Blood Donation
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
MIT NCC TROOP is organising Blood Donation Drive on 22nd February, 2006 (Wednesday) at Saint Dnyaneshwara Hall, MIT, Pune. Please make it a point to save life of a fellow human by sparing 20 minutes of your schedule.
अपेक्षा आहे की एका सहभारतीयाशी "रक्ताचे नाते" जोडण्यासाठी आपण सर्व जण पुढाकार घ्याल.
Thank You
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Monday, February 20, 2006
This post is related to News and Informative
Different me
Friday, February 17, 2006
Here I share few of my snaps during different times which show my different forms. Frankly, I'm not any all round personality or anything. Neither am I good looking model. I just wanted to show you few of my snaps and so I put up the snaps here..
I know, this is quite a long post and I appologise for the long time to download all the images.
By the time the post appears, why not have a look at Latur blog or my Marathi blog ? Don't worry. Clicking on these links will not interrupt normal loading procedure. Blogs will open up in new window..
At inauguration of Piramyd Megastore, SB road
Just a different look of mine
At our terrace in Latur
Enjoying my favourite bhel
My FE room
With Laptop
Studying (Very rare photograph)

Working for NCC Web site
My Negative side :)
Lukhnawi dress at Haridwar

Trying my costume for NCC show 2005

Lambe Baal

Traditional Day 2005
Traditional Day 2006
With Ashish in 6th Std

I love my Sahyadri and I don't need any bed when I'm with Sahyadri
Cleaning the fort Tikona
Trekker in me

Trekker me
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Spending oo much time online
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I found this cartoon in orkut profile of one of my friend and looking at it, I thought this surely matches my condition. Though I'm not perfectly like this, I'm getting audicted towards net. Net is obviously such a wonderful thing that everyone will be audicted to it..
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
Salute to Womankind
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Here, I'm gonna share just three small incidents happened during my latest Rohida trek. These incidents involve different women; in fact totally different category of women. Different feelings.. But all the three draw same conclusion. Women are better than mankind..
Incident 1:
Venue: PMT bus to Swargate.
Lady involved: A young girl, maybe college student.
I was sitting on a ladies seat cause there were no ladies standing in the bus. On one stop, two ladies boarded the bus. I stood up and offered them the seat. The young girl gave a cute smile and said "Thank You". I don't think any guy would have shown this much of courtesy.
Incident 2:
Venue: Outside Sambhaji Bridge Police Station
Lady Involved: A lady police officer
One two wheeler crosses the bridge exclusively made up for four wheelers and gets caught by the lady officer. Officer asks him for license and the man puts a 50 Rupees note in the license and gives the license to officer. Officer takes out the note, gives it back to the person and makes a proper challan for the crime.
Can you think of any male officer who will be having so much of honesty? Well, I don't think so..
Incident 3:
Venue: Wai Bus stop
Lady Involved: A poor village lady
The lady was selling combs to earn some money to feed her child. She comes to me and requests me to buy the comb. First, I'm not interested in buying but then I see at the child and think to help the lady. I have 2 Rupees change in my pocket and I offer this money to her and tell her don't give me the comb. The lady promptly replies, "तर मग दोन रूपयांचा कंगवा घ्या ना !" (Meaning "If you want to help, buy a comb of 2 Rupees and don't give me money for nothing"). This feeling of "Khuddari" is nowhere visible in men. In fact, just have a look at today's men who are dying to get everything for nothing. And no, I am not talking about the village men. I'm talking about the so called "Well Educated and well cultured" men of the towns and cities..
Overall, these three women taught me new lessons and I salute all womankind of India.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Best Friend
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
When it hurts to look back
And when you are afraid to look ahead,
Then you look back to your side
And there you will find your best friend.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought
Omkareshwar Temple

On 3rd Feb we (Me and Dhiraj) visited Omkareshwar temple.
Omkareshwar Temple was constructed during the tenure of Sadashivrao Bhau on the banks of the Mutha river. It is well known for its massive stone structure which survived the floods of Panshet (1962). This temple also hosts the Samadhi of "Chimaji Appa Peshwa" (Elder brother of First Bajirao Peshwa) and his wife who sacrificed her life after Chimaji Appa's death in 1737. This tradition is calles as "Sati" in India.
This post is related to News and Informative, Outing, Ye hai meri Kahaani
Umang 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
The annual fest of our college, Umang 2006 concluded yesterday. It was really great. My friends Abhijeet, Snehal and Milan performed in a dance. That was awesome.
Also, the NCC show that emphasized on our past with the Shahid Mangal Pandey, BhagatSingh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Lala Lajpatray. It put on a new fire in everyone's heart.
BE show was a spoof up of Mahabharata. The dyut game that takes place between Kauravas and Pandavas. Only difference was these Kauravas and Pandavas were students of MIT :)
We had a traditional day on 4th Feb. All college was looking colorful with everyone representing their culture. I've got a few snaps of all the events and will upload them very soon.
Apology: The name of fest was "Tarang 2006" and not "Umang 2006".
This post is related to Ye hai meri Kahaani
My hostel and college through Google Earth
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Just thought of showing you my hostel and college. The Google Earth image shows up my hostel and college. And also the route I take to reach college. The route is marked in red and the structures have got blue border.
Click on the image to view full size..
This post is related to Photos
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Attention everyone. Please download the virus removal tool from and scan your machine with the tool. This is regarding the virus Win32.Blackmal.F
which is spreading very heavily and will start attack on 3rd Feb.
For more information regarding this virus, check out this
This post is related to News and Informative
Snaps of Lohagad trek
Here are few snaps of my Lohagad trek on 26th January, as mentioned in this post. Remaining photos are uploaded to my yahoo photos.

View from Lohagad

Fortification of Lohagad as seen from Laxmi Kothi

Tricolor at Lohagad (It was Republic day)

Vinchu Kata

Going towards End of Vinchu Kata

Breakfast at Lohagad
Photographs by: Dhiraj Jain
This post is related to Outing, Photos, Ye hai meri Kahaani