Save our world
Friday, June 08, 2007
On the occasion of World Environment Day (I know it was 3 days back), I would like to revise a post I put up around 2 and half years back. We all need to go through it and think about it once again.Our weakest point is that we tend to believe that as individuals we cannot make any difference and we are losing a battle. The battle is lost infact if we fall into this category of believers. We can do many things as an individual to save our world for coming tomorrow. Here are few of the things you can try out.
1. While travelling intercity, use mass transportation. Each PMT bus can take a minimum load of 55 sitting and 15 standees, that makes 70 people, just imagine the traffic situation if each of these people were to use an Autorickshaw from any of the surburban railway stations to get home. How many times I have seen buses going half full.....Because we all need our privacy.
2. Take a Bag along whenever you Shop, make it a habbit. Remember, each of the Plastic bags you take will not bio-degrade for at least 250 yrs! We will go down in history as a civilisation which has left behind loads of plastics. Even when going on picnics, avoid packed food in plastics, take fresh food or fruits. Many of the shopkeepers resent giving plastics, help them out. God knows how many hundreds of plastic bags I've avoided using and convinced my folks to refrain from using in the past few years.3. Use Diyas for Diwali instead of burning crackers and fireworks, diyas last longer and they are a true salute to this festival of lights, they burn silently all night long without any noise and pollution,they look pretty as well. They cost a fraction, and help the cause of the villagers making them.
4. Use vegetable peels for your potted plants, they add to the value of the soil,prevent water loss and reduce the garbage. Use the waste water for the plants.
5. Keep the water taps shut when not needed during shaving or brushing in the mornings, statistics show that if each of us could do this it would save millions of litres or water monthly saving our money in return which is being spent on heavily subsidising clean water, which we take for granted.
6. I would strongly recommend using alternative sources of energy like Bio-gas and Solar/wind power but I still have to experiment with these. It takes a lot of convincing to do to start a project like this. People think you are crazy, but India leads the world with China in Bio-gas technology. In wind energy we are among the best in the world (check this link) but the technology is still expensive.
This post is related to Thoughts.. Worth a thought