Economic Development --> Creative Leadership
Sunday, May 13, 2007
--> A nation’s Economic development is powered by competitiveness.
--> Competitiveness is powered by knowledge power.
--> Knowledge power is powered by Technology and innovation.
--> Technology and innovation is powered by resource investment.
--> Resource investment is powered by revenue and return on Investment.
--> Revenue is powered by Volume and repeat sales through customer loyalty.
--> customer loyalty is powered by Quality and value of products.
--> Quality and value of products is powered by Employee Productivity and innovation.
--> Employee Productivity is powered by Employee Loyalty, employee satisfaction and working environment.
--> Working Environment is powered by management stewardship and sound project management.
--> Management stewardship is powered by Creative leadership.
Conclusion:- A Nation's Economic Development is powered by Creative Leadership. If we want India to become super power, we need to develop creative leadership in ourselves. Are you ready?