Bloggers' meet: Report
Monday, June 02, 2008
Bloggers’ Get together: 31st May 2008
Venue: Pinstorm Café, Santacruz.
No of people attended: 13
Things discussed during the meet:
• Need for a site for bloggers from Mumbai
--> As a platform to discuss issues related to blogging
--> As a platform to arrange online and offline blogger meets
• Agenda and contents for the site
• How can we inspire people to start blogging?
• The celeb status achieved by blogging: with Aamir, Amitabh and Salman coming into blogging
• The power of blogging and twitter as a medium of information exchange
Take away from the meet:
• The existing site is to be redesigned n restructured.
• Promotion of the site so as to develop this community and create awareness about the word Blogging.
• Involve famous bloggers and internet marketers (blogcamp gang) so as to have a better coverage.
• Use services of colleges and few startups around to create awareness at the ground level.
• Get maximum inputs from blogosphere to promote this community.
• Bloggers should meet atleast twice a month for discussions