Indian National Anthem

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We've listened to it and also sung it numerous times. But still, we don't know the exact meaning of the great composition by Rabindranath Tagore. Here is English translation of the same.

You are art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Your name rouses the hearts of the Punjab,
Sind, Gujarat, and Maratha,
Of the Dravid, and Orissa and Bengal.
It echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and,
Himalayas, mingles in the music of the
Jamuna and the Ganges and is chanted by
the waves of the Indian sea.
The pray for the blessings,
and sing by the praise,
The saving of all people
waits in thy hand.
You are dispenser of India's destiny,
Victory, victory, victory to you.

Through the words of the song, it is not clear if it is composed in praise of India. When it was first sung on 27 Dec, 1911; it was considered as loyal welcome of George V on his visit to India. Tagore himself has said the song to be addressed to the All Mighty (addressed as "Bhagya Vadhata" in the song). It was accepted as National Anthem on January 24, 1950. And a petition was filed in 2005 pleading to delete the word "Sindh" and instead put up the word "Kashmir". The argument was that Sindh was no longer a part of India, having become part of Pakistan as a result of the Partition of 1947. Opponents of this proposal hold that the word "Sindh" refers to the Indus and to Sindhi culture and people which are an integral part of India's cultural fabric. The Supreme Court of India refused to tamper with the national anthem and the wording remains unchanged.

- Dinesh Finally completed this scribble at 1:46 PM  

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