Pre-fetching in Firefox

Monday, May 28, 2007

When firefox identifies a website, it automatically starts pre-loading all the links contained in it in the background. Since you seldom surf further in the sites, you prefer to remove this brake and do without the "service".

This function is supposed to speed up the downloading of a site when you click on a link. However, since you would hardly visit all the links in the site, this function is generally of no use. To top it, pre-fetching brings load on bandwidth, contributes to high data quantities and costs in the volume tariff causing the browser cache to fill quickly and demand high storage requirements in the system RAM. These disadvantages outdo the advantage. Hence deactivating the function is more advisable.

To deactivate this function, Open the configuration page by typing "About:config" in the address bar. Look for "Network:prefetch-next" entry in the list. Then right-click on it and select the context command ‘Switch’. Check whether the Boolean value is set to false. In future, the system will download the websites only when you will click on a link.

- Dinesh Finally completed this scribble at 2:45 AM  

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