Practicals over

Sunday, November 13, 2005

After lot of hues and cries over the postponing of practicals twice, finally practicals are over. Following usual tradition of MIT, the labs were not properly maintained for the practicals. With lot of antivirus warnings bugging up and long queues for print outs after the exam, the exam simply rocked. Another thing that rocked was the externals who were just as cool as ice and the internals who were as firing as hot water or fire itself..
Yes, they were literally firing, and they fired a guy outside the lab coz he was talking. Well, the guy was not asking for help or helping anyone. He was just waiting for the print outs in the queue along the printer. If they are really so concerned about college reputation, why don't they first maintain the f***ing lab? All systems in the lab are infected by w32.lovegate.R@mm virus and these warning windows by antivirus software make the testing impossible.. Still, the internals think, these are the students who can't perform the testing and blame it to system.. Yes, you read it right.. I said internals coz the external was so cool that he even didn't care about the verification and validation of the practical exams. ie "Are the students doing right thing?" and "Are the students doing the thing right?"

But one thing is sure.. Wherever I may go in life, I'll never forget these practical exams in the college.. Coz they have taught me lot.. After all, these were the worst days of my life and a person learns a lot through bad times..

- Dinesh Finally completed this scribble at 9:10 PM  

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