This month in Sky

Friday, December 03, 2004

About the events occuring in the sky in Dec. 2004

1) A rare occasion of watching all the planets on one side of sun and in their respective order will appear in this month. Once the mercury passes over Sun towards west on 10th, we will be able to see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto on west side of Sun. However, Mercury and Pluto won’t be totally visible due to vicinity to Sun. This occasion won’t appear for next 400 years as said by Rogger Cinot of “Sky and Telescope” magazine.

2) On 7th Dec, Americans will be able to see Jupiter hide behind Moon. However, this hide and seek game (called as “Vidhan” in Marathi) won’t be visible in India.

3) The asteroid shower from Gemini will be visible on 13th and 14th. Those glowing yellow asteroids will be seen at a rate of 40 to 50 per hour near the east side of sky. The rate will be maximum during 10 pm to 3 am.

- Dinesh Finally completed this scribble at 4:27 PM  

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